Sunday, February 13, 2011

Side effects

As mad as I get at Tom for not taking his meds I feel so bad for him when he does take them regularly. He has been taking morning,noon and night pills steady for about 5 days now and they are making him so sick. The B/P are the worse. He had a stress test done on Friday afternoon he will see the Dr tomorrow to talk about the results. His B/P is running high. Now they want him to add an aspirin a day to the meds. he can't eat because the heartburn drives him in sane. His stomache is constantly upset.
 I have the Tom who takes his meds and is too sick to get out of bed. Or the Tom who doesn't take his meds and is too sad to get out of bed. It's been about a year since the hospital stay and we still can not get these pills straight. The regular medical Dr says to take this this and that. The shrink says lets try this this and that. It's so frustrating.
 We had a nice night away on Friday. We had so well needed alone time but he got sick. Then all day Saturday his stomache was bothering him. Today he took the kids shopping and TJ said he was complaining of pains and a headache. Now it is after midnight and he is laying tossing and turning. When he toss's and turns like this I can't get to sleep. Then I over sleep in the AM and Ryan ends up being late for school. Ryan is probally on time about once a week. It won't be tomorrow!!

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